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FAQ: how to cancel your booking

FAQ: how to cancel your booking


You have booked a gite with Gîtes de France Corse and you want to cancel your reservation and your stay in Corsica?
Find the procedure to cancel your stay in Corsica on Gîtes de France Corsica by following the steps below

An answer to every question! is our motto at Gîtes de France Corse.


What's the procedure if we're forced to cancel ?

Cancellation of a confirmed booking should be notified by registered letter or telegram to the Reservation service.

If you have cancellation insurance (you took it out when you made your advance booking), you need to attach to your letter some evidence of why you had to cancel (i.e. doctor's certificate forbidding you to travel on medical grounds, specifying dates. Or employer's certificate stating your vacation leave was cancelled unexpectedly).

If you have no cancellation insurance or the reason for cancellation is not covered by the terms of the insurance, you should send a registered letter simply stating that you have cancelled (without specifying reason).

For refunds, we ask you to consult either the insurance conditions attached to the rental contract, and/or the general conditions of sale detailed on the back of your rental contract.
SPECIAL NOTE: for cancellations occurring less than one month before the beginning of the stay, and more especially for last minute cancellations, we ask you to kindly notify by e-mail, fax or even telegram (as a last resort), before you send us your registered letter. Your rental contract will then be cancelled as soon as we receive the first written notification to reach us.

What should I do if the documentation giving reasons for cancellation is not made out in the name of the person shown in the rental contract ?
In this case, the signatory of the contract writes to confirm, on honour, that the person named as the cause of cancellation was indeed a member of the party taking up the accommodation now cancelled.

Please contact us if your question remains unanswered :

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